Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Usage, Dose, Side Effects, And Properties

Nice fermentation of crushed apples, sugar along with yeast is called apple cider vinegar. Basically, it is used in dressing meals served with salads and chutneys, or sometimes used as a marinade for several recipes.

It has been used at an early age as a remedy for battling bacteria & germs in the body. Recently, scientific research has proven that apple cider vinegar has natural ingredients which help in weight loss and blood sugar control.

Apple cider vinegar has natural and effective benefits, which have been used in varieties of ways by early age people. The natural benefits give better results in fighting anti-aging, controlling high blood pressure, regulating sugar levels, weight loss, and skin care.

benefits of apple cider vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects: How Bad It Could Be?

Regardless of where you have purchased your apple cider vinegar, you should need to know the side effects of the apple cider vinegar, if it has any. The apple cider vinegar cannot be taken directly to the body, it must be first diluted with the water and then confused as desired. There’re reasons why it should not take directly:

  • It may cause dental diseases like sensitiveness
  • It may cause esophageal disease

Apple cider vinegar has a high level of acidic nature, generally speaking, apple cider vinegar has 5% of acidic properties. Thus, it is recommended to intake water or milk as advised by a physician.

The daily consumption of apple cider vinegar should be within the limit to give better results. Limited consumption provides better health results while high intake could worsen the situation. Side effects are only seen with the higher consumption of this acidic nature substance, which leads to health difficulties like nausea, heartburn, and mental disability.

Apple Cider Vinegar Dosage: How Much To Consume?

What is the best amount of apple cider vinegar to intake daily?

Let’s not run with the thoughts but find the right answer. A moderate level of intake sounds healthy to all physicians. A diluted consumption is highly recommended since the nature of it is acidic.

The best-suggested intake by the doctors is 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in water. The consumption should be in moderation at any stage. If not taken as directed, it may harm your health accidentally. Consuming it as a drink with a meal is one of the finest ways to consume it.

apple cider vinegar usage

Usage Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Nowadays, purposely, apple cider vinegar is quite common to use. There are several health benefits that accommodate people to enjoy the charm of this natural substance. Let’s discuss some of the great usages of it.

1. Control Blood Pressure

A lump of high blood sugar can sometimes be a life-threatening event or risk human life. Research has proven that the consumption of apple cider vinegar controls the blood pressure of the body and avoids any medical emergency.

2. Kills Acidity

Some of the major health issues like heartburn and acid reflux are produced by acidity. Consuming apple cider vinegar regularly comforts the stomach from acidity. It helps kill acidity naturally without harming the body.

3. Skin Care

Some of the skin symptoms can be easily identified and vanished by the apple cider vinegar itself. It helps cure skin problems, acne relief, anti-aging properties, and so on.

4. Kill Germs

Apple cider vinegar kills the germs from raw meals. Its natural germs-killing properties are one of the major reasons why it is served along with salads or as dressings. It kills the germs with leafy and green salads naturally.

apple cider vinegar benefits

Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

It has been utilized in its natural benefits by early age people. Many kinds of research have shown the amazing benefits it has for the human body. Let’s find out the benefits of apple cider vinegar in detail.

1. Helps Losing Weight

Consuming apple cider vinegar 2 times a day in the diluted form helps reduce the extra fat from our body resulting in a few pounds of weight loss surprisingly. Most obese people are advised by physicians to consume 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in water along with honey. This combination gives surprising results quickly and effectively.

2. Lower The Blood Sugar Level

By 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, if taken after the meal can lower the blood sugar level. However, the effects are moderate, which shows that it works well if taken as advised. Nevertheless, it might not replace the blood sugar medicines but if continued to intake will give better results.

3. Controls The Cholesterol Level

A study shows that consuming apple cider vinegar increases the good cholesterol in the body while at the same time, it controls the growth of bad cholesterol in the body. Generally, these are fats in the blood that exist as cells, the acidic property of apple cider vinegar stops the growth of these cells.

4. Inflammation Control

The anti-inflammatory properties exist in apple cider vinegar, which prevent the symptoms of any inflammatory conditions. Some of the major health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, sclerosis, and spondylitis can be controlled by it if taken properly on a daily basis. Although, it is advised to consult your doctor before you check your health conditions.

5. Skin Care

A variety of skin conditions explain the benefits of apple cider vinegar. It must be practiced in a diluted form whenever you’re going to apply it directly to your skin. It gently cares for the skin with acne, anti-aging, and skin burn conditions.

6. In Summarize,

For plenty of years, our ancestors have utilized the benefits of apple cider vinegar and we the new generation are going to discover loads of beneficial aspects of using this natural ingredient. It has plenty of anti-inflammatories and antioxidant properties that help cure weight loss, skin care, blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol level.

It is valued as one of the natural remedies that help our bodies in many ways. It is already placed in our dining room either in the form of dressing the recipes or served along with the salads, chutney, or beverages after the meal.


1. Are there any side effects of using Apple cider vinegar?

Ans: No, it’s a natural remedy but should be consumed as directed by your physician.

2. Can I take apple cider vinegar for weight control?

Ans: It works effectively in weight control. 1-2 tablespoons of it diluted in the water taken along with the honey has shown good results or as advised by your physician.

3. Where should we keep it for safety?

Ans: Apple cider vinegar has a long life. Keeping it in its natural form adds more life to it. Don’t keep it in the refrigerator.