Diet Plan For Weight Gain In 7 Days For Females

Gaining weight could not be as simple as losing weight. Both have different impacts and both seek different strategies to evolve. We have come across several weight gain blogs, tutorials, and expert advice and crafted a tailor-made solution for your weight gain issue. You will surely start seeing the improvement within a few days if you keep focusing on your goal from all perspectives.

Standard Healthy Weight Range Measurements

BMI is a method to calculate body fat by following a few simple calculation measurements. BMI is a simple calculation to measure weight, which considers weight in lb and height in inches and multiplies it to convert based on the height and weight of an individual. Let's not fall into the math for calculation, instead follow the above tremendous measurement method by examining your height and weight scale.

If you weigh with the below statistics:

  • Below 18.5 is considered to be an underweight body.
  • Between 18.5 to 25 is considered to be a healthy body weight.
  • From 25 to 30 is considered to be an overweight body.
  • Above 30 is considered to be obese.

How Do You Consider An Individual As Underweight?

A person is called underweight if the body fat is below the 18.5 BMI mass index, given by the regulatory guidelines for considering the standard weight measurements. BMI 25 is known as healthy weight and anything below that would be considered as underweight.

Gaining weight could be as challenging as losing weight or sometimes even more difficult if you have developed some diseases due to not maintaining a standard weight. Lack of nutritious foods, genetic properties, or diseases like thyroid can be prime reasons for an underweight person.

weight gain diet plan for females in 7 days

The weight gain diet plan serves a number of meals and ensures a delivery of a high level of nutrition, calories, minerals, and healthy foods help gain weight. This diet plan is recommended by the health experts who have developed this diet plan in consideration of the American Guide To Healthy Eating for adults. Let's dive into the 7 days master plan.

Day 1

7 days weight gain diet plan


Spread peanut butter slices on whole grain bread, add honey and served with milk, medium-sized orange, and chocolate.


Cooked chicken mixed with the pasta and a handful of green leafy veggies, served with the salads in the essence of tomatoes, feta cheese, avocado, and dressed with the olive oil.


Fried lamb chops mixed with the baby potatoes mashed in the milk and toppings with cooked veggies.


Cheese platter arranged with fresh fruits and served with the seasoning cheese.

7 days diet plan for weight gain

Day 2


2 tbsp of chia seeds mixed with the oats and 1 and 1/2 cup of full cream milk served with a banana.


2 mashed egg whites mixed with sliced cheese cubes, toppings with a cup of green salads, added tortilla for a flavorful dish.


Salmon filets nicely baked and sprinkled with sesame seeds and cous whole meal with added cooked veggies and toppings.


Ice cream with salads of your choice.

7 days weight gain plan for females

Day 3


Make an omelet with spinach and sweet potatoes and serve it with milk and toast.


A cup of veggies and chopped lentils, cooked with barley. Serve it hot with the fruit salad of your choice.


Flavor the spaghetti with garlic and herbs, cooked with tomato puree and minced tomatoes with sprinkled cheese and a cup of veggies. Serve it with olive oil dressing.


Lukewarm full cream milk with added walnuts and mashed fruits.

7 days weight gain plan for girls

Day 4


Make an omelet with white eggs mixed with chocolate and full cream milk.


Use lentils with a cup of chopped veggies, barley, and vegetables stock. Serve it with olive oil dressings.


Use minced tomatoes and tomato puree with a mixture of herbs and veggies, then add spaghetti with sprinkled cheese with a cup of salad.


Make a fruit smoothie with a cup of full cream milk, a handful of walnuts, and mixed fruits of your choice.

7 days weight gain plan for women

Day 5


Sauté mushrooms and avocado together and mix with the poached eggs and serve with full cream milk and chocolate.


Add fish in the flour with egg whites and breadcrumbs. Fry until it turns golden brown and mix it with baked veggies. Add olive oil as dressing.


Fry chicken breasts, served with mango, corn, and a handful of veggies.


Take a cup of yogurt and muesli, mixed with plenty of nuts and seeds.

7 days weight gain plan

Day 6


Sliced fruits with enough butter added with fruit jam. Served it with a smoothie and a cup of full cream milk and a cup of fresh berries.


2 cups of mixed veggies with tuna mixed in oil, cooked and dressed with olive oil. Use leafy greens as veggies.


Use a fish pie and mix it with the veggies of your choice and garnish with pepper, toppings with olive oil.


Take custard and pair it with pavlova toppings on fresh fruit salad.

diet plan for weight gain

Day 7


Take a bechamel spinach baked egg and pair it with a cafe latte.


Use minced beef, rice noodles, and a cup of mixed veggies. Use veggies stock to cook and serve with fruit of your choice.


Pick roasted pork and baked baby potatoes, add in 1 and 1/2 cup of veggies. Add olive oil as toppings.


Take some fruit slices, add it with ricotta cheese and drizzle with the honey.


If you follow the above-recommended diet routine, you will end up gaining a lot of weight. However, it is essential that you don't break the rules and follow up this routine for a few months continuously. Continuous dedicated work towards gaining weight brings you a rainbow soon.

Gaining weight could be due to many different cases but at the end of the day, everyone will consider consuming a lot of healthy foods and fats, which are responsible for gaining extra fats and body mass.

FAQs: Method to gain weight quickly for females

1. Is gaining weight a typical process?

Ans: Surely, gaining weight directly implies gaining mass in your body. It can only be gained through a good diet plan and extra good fats.

2. Having thyroid in the past, can I look up a weight gain plan?

Ans: If you've had thyroid in the past, or you've in the present, first seek to cure your disease. Alternatively, you may seek a weight gain diet plan for you.

3. How to gain weight quickly?

Ans: Following the above method will help you gain weight quickly. Slowly and steadily improve your weight by consuming 300-500 extra calories to your body. Identifying the good fat and consuming it in control. Keep improving your calorie intake and in the next 3 days make it up 700 to 1000 extra calories. Therefore, following a strict diet plan would definitely get you extra weight in no time.