Change Eye Color Naturally: Super Easy Methods

How To Change Eye Color Naturally

Having blue eyes are rare but it doesn't mean that you cannot change your eye color to blue with natural and medical process. Contact lenses are one way to do that and there are many other medical practices, we'll introduce you to some natural methods that can help you change eye color naturally.

The implant surgery is open for everyone to get blue eyes with an easy process. However, people also can use contact lenses, which helps them get a blue eye naturally and it doesn't look bad. There's a food and diet plan available, which helps get blue eyes, indeed. In this blog, we will discuss all aspects of changing eye color.

How Eye Color Can Be Developed?

Our eyes basically have a color portion as Iris. It can consist of several different colors. For instance:

  • Black
  • Brown
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Hazel
  • A mix of colors

Our eye color completely depends on our parent's genes but in some cases, paternal genes are also responsible for eye color. If parents have mixed eye colors, then it will be hard to decide which color the eyes children should have. Eyes develop just like any other body parts and changes in color are significant with age.

How Eye Color Can Change Naturally?

A slight change in eye color can be seen over time but that has not changed a complete 360 degrees. When the baby is born, the eye color he possesses is mostly darkened during the first few years. As the body changes, his eye color changes too.

The eye starts releasing a substance called pigment which is known as melanin, the great influencer of the eye color. The iris lead often involves expansion and contraction that changes the eye color with minimum time effect. This is common to people who:

  • Focus on their eyes
  • They spend most of their time in the dark
  • Having delicate emotions

Besides, many people notice that change in their eye color happens as their age progresses. As they're getting the eye's color gets more lighter and this is not scary as it is a natural process.

Temporary Changes In The Eye Color

If you're looking for a quick and fast solution, then there is no other than tinted contact lenses for how to look attractive naturally. In the modern world, this is the most common practice to change your eye color naturally with minimal effort. However, it doesn't last long and as time progresses, it may lose its color due to several factors.

So, the thing is, it is fast and quick but not a permanent solution to obtain eye color naturally. There are several options available in the marketplace, which signifies what are the different options for a temporary change in eye color. Let's take a look at their names.

  • Visible Lenses
  • Opaque Lenses
  • Enhanced Lenses

Let's have a quick walkthrough of the types of lenses one by one, to explore more details about them to help you judge which one you should choose.

Visible Lenses

This is one of the light lenses that comes in tinted, generally with minimal effects to a person who uses it. If you apply it to your eyes, you can expect a slight change in the eye color. Tinted lenses commonly help people to give a good glow to their eyes.

Opaque Lenses

This one can really blow your mind as they are coming with loads of variations to try on. These lenses usages can change the eye color completely. It allows a person to use the opaque lenses whenever they want and it gives them a flair glow of eye color with their choices. Choices can be chosen from the list of below colors.

  • Brown
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Green
  • Violet
  • Hazel
  • Mixed colors &
  • Grey

Enhanced Lenses

One of the best examples of semi opaque gestures is enhanced lenses, which when applied give a tremendous look to the person. If you think they can alter the color, then forget it, it can only help intensify and give it a better stand.

Possible Risks Of Using Contact Lenses

No point to blame for the visibility and appearance the contact lenses give to our eyes, they come with many risks as well but not to everyone's of course. If you go for simplicity, then the contact lenses won't harm you much, rather when you use correct and decorative lenses.

Our trusted sources have collected various data and discussed them with our editorial team, which states that in order to the US government itself. Contact lenses cannot be worn without any prescription from an authorized practitioner. Thus, buying and using lenses, that our government can come with multiple risks, these risks are as below:

  • Itchiness to the eyes
  • Blur visions
  • Cornea scratched
  • Partially blind or partial loss of vision
  • Headache
  • Vomiting

In Summarize,

Everyone has a desire to look beautiful and if their eyes are blue then it adds grace and decorum to their personality. Having variants to the eyes makes it more attractive wherever you go. Eyes are the key to your soul, you perceive everything with the help of your eyes, and everything you gaze upon using your eyes makes you feel positive and motivated at the same time. People just love blue eyes, and you can have one by following any of the methods above.